60 Things to Do When Boredom Strikes During Quarantine

Hello, all. Here is a list of things to do if you’re by yourself or just plain bored during quarantine. A little silly, a little serious, and a little of the unexpected. Enjoy.


1..Write down your best qualities and why you’re a wonderful individual to have around, from the silliest to the most serious. Tuck your list away somewhere safe so you can read it when you’re having a bad day. I did this in group therapy a few years ago.

2. Write a letter to yourself in the future, seal it, and don’t open it for five years.

3. Write in a journal or check out one of these journaling apps.

4. Write down the things that you can be grateful for.

5. Take a bath with a candle lit somewhere and get romantic with yourself.

6. Create a vision board for where you’d like to see yourself in 5 years.

7. Do a life audit per Life By Grit. Write your goals on Post It notes and put them in envelopes to be opened at the intervals you’ve chosen.

8. Listen to a guided meditation on YouTube before you go to sleep. The ones for kids are really cute, but there are three hour long ones for adults that are equally high quality and will send you snoring peacefully.


9. See what you need to do to volunteer at The Panda Centers in China, just to dream.

10. Look for Best Of lists for music, movies, shows, or books from previous years. That’s how I found Jake Bugg. Thanks Rolling Stone!

11. Look up what the life cycle of a frog looks like.

12. Look up flights to far flung places and dream a little. Think about what you would do there.

13. Start with a random topic on Wikipedia and see where the rabbit hole goes. I recommend starting with Lewis Carroll and Alice in Wonderland, the book and all the films it has spawned, like the 1988 stop motion one by Czech director Jan Svankmajer. Donate a $3 tip to Wikipedia if you enjoyed your journey.

14. What does whimsical mean? Go to dictionary.com and read definitions for common words that we take for granted like hope, love, prayer, spirit, happy, humor, divine, agnostic, food, soul, kiss, hug, smile, sadness, depression, grief, mourning, sun, light. Do you agree with the definitions?

15. Look up some cool quotes or verses that you can hang around your house and draw inspiration from. One of my favorites is from Van Gogh: “Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together. And great things are not accidental, but must certainly be willed.”


16. Create a map of your home and use a dotted line to trace everywhere you’ve been in a day, a la Billy on Family Circus.

17. Plan a 24 hour day for what you’ll do once quarantine is over down to the hour.

18. Create a mini zine of the definitions you looked up on dictionary.com and illustrate it with magazine pics or markers. If you have a printer that copies/scans, copy it 10 times, fold up your zines, and mail them to your friends.

19. Write a letter to someone famous you admire, look up their official mailing address, and send it. Decorate the envelope so it stands out.

20. Trace your hands on a piece of paper and make each finger a different character with hair, eyewear, three items of clothing/accessories, and then write a scene where they’re five friends or strangers stuck in an elevator.

21. Write a limerick and illustrate it.

22. Draw an hourly comic about what you did for the past 24 hours, like these.

23. Rewrite the 8th season of Game of Thrones as it should have been, then perform it in your bathroom mirror.

24. Write a haiku. Use 5-7-5 and concrete, specific detail.

25. Roast some chickpeas and snack on them.

26. Try to memorize your favorite poem or piece of writing and recite it in your mirror. Bonus points if it’s from Shakespeare or another language. Now try backwards.

27. If you’re a person who sews, make masks for your local medical providers.


28. Create a bulleted plan that would solve all the world’s greatest problems from poverty to dealing with all of our garbage efficiently to getting everyone access to clean water.

29. Read up on harm reduction, intersectional feminism, body positivity, or another social issue.

30. Drink some water. Check out Water.org, a charity to get clean water and sanitation to people around the world who need it.

31. Say hello to all of your household appliances and thank them for being so helpful.

32. Email your senators, representatives, governor, Lt. governor, or mayor about the things you care about. See if they’re already doing something worth your attention.

33. Update your voter registration if you’ve recently moved.

34. Find your childhood best friend on Facebook and say hey, thinking of you, remember that time we…

35. See what local organizations are doing to help others in your community.

36. Make a sign for your neighbors and put it in your window to encourage them.

37. Get on Reddit and look up every subreddit that may possibly interest you, like r/grandpajoehate or r/Eyebleach.


38. Learn how to chop vegetables and fruits properly.

39. Check out this video on waterbears/tardigrades. They can survive in space!

40. Watch cute giant panda videos where they fall all over themselves like this one.


41. Find a yoga or workout video on YouTube. The Fitness Marshall is funny, inclusive, and dancy, and the length of his workouts vary, so you can choose what’s right for you. He is also on Instagram.

42. Look up all the albums from your favorite musical artists and listen to every song to find hidden gems

43. Follow the DJ D-Nice @dnice on Instagram and tune in to his live dance party broadcast, Club Quarantine, on 4/4/20 at 4pm Pacific Time (7pm EST). I either heard about this from NPR or the NYTimes, I can’t remember.

44. Try to do a headstand. Carefully.

45. Do some stretching or exercises as though you were in elementary school PE. Circle arms, big then small, then big again, are my favorite. Be careful not to knock something over.


46. Reread your all-time favorite book

47. Turn out all the lights, get under a blanket, turn your flashlight on, and read like a naughty kid staying up past bed time. Ghost story telling would also work.

48. Listen to or read The Art of Flaneuring by Erika Owen, then take a leisurely stroll outside and see what’s out there.

49. Read The Miracle of Mindfulness: An Introduction to the Practice of Meditation by Thich Nhat Hanh, (it’s pretty short) then try one mindfulness exercise a day until you find one or a few you’re comfortable with. My favorite ones are following your breath and having a day of mindfulness with light housekeeping/organizing and reading, among other activities. You’ll never think of cleaning your house or doing the dishes the same way.

50. Read every Roald Dahl book out loud to your cat/dog/fish/plant/couch pillow. Matilda is my ultimate favorite, but The BFG and The Witches are close behind.


51. Organize books on shelves and look for ones you didn’t actually read, then read them.

52. Go through the pictures on your phone or computer and delete the ones that don’t bring joy (The Marie Kondo way).

53. Look through all of your screenshots and delete the ones you don’t need anymore.

54. Back up your files from your computer, flash drives, SD card(s), onto an external hard drive so everything is nice and safe in the same place. Organize them if you so choose.

55. Go through all of your important papers and organize them, throwing out things you don’t need any more and grouping like things together.

56. Clean the dust off your ceiling fan, air conditioner, or standing fan. I need to do this.

57. Go through all of your old electronics and see what you can sell, donate, or recycle. Do you need all those cords?

58. Try to gather all your change from around your house and put it in a ziplock bag so you can cash it in at a Coinstar.

59. Go through your closet and see what you can sell on Poshmark or donate. Mix and match what’s left and have a fashion show with blaring music and all the lights on. Holy crap, you can sell more than clothes on Poshmark, check it out!

60. Rearrange your furniture if nothing’s too heavy.

Whew! I hope that’ll give you a few things to try, but I hope we won’t need all of them in the coming weeks. Stay safe and healthy, friends. Sending love your way!

Things Worth Your Attention, vol. 2

Dear readers, here is a list of things that I have been consuming lately that deserve more attention:

Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis
The 50th Law by Robert Greene and 50 Cent
These books actually have a few things in common. But first, Rachel Hollis is a mother of four, an author, event planner, a lifestyle blogger/influencer, a long distance runner, and a Christian. Robert Greene is the author of The 48 Laws of Power, which chronicles how historical figures used their gifts to rise to power. He also uses historical examples in his book with 50 Cent, who is a hustler cum rapper cum media mogul. I listened to book of these books via Audible and thoroughly enjoyed reading two books while driving. Audible is awesome!
So, what Rachel Hollis and 50 Cent have in common are the abilities to see opportunity in crisis and to imagine in concrete, specific detail big goals broken down into actionable steps.

Body Positive Power: Because Life Is Already Happening and You Don’t Need Flat Abs to Live It by Megan Jayne Crabbe
This is a must-read for anyone who has ever hated their body. Megan Jayne Crabbe exposes the diet and anti-aging industries lies about our bodies and our health. She promotes intuitive eating, Health At Every Size, self-love and kindness. I am currently reading this via my Kindle app on my iPad, so I’m not finished yet, but it has been mind blowing. Everyone deserves love and respect no matter what body they exist in.

Queer Eye on Netflix
Jane the Virgin, also on Netflix
Queer Eye is the most uplifting, positive show I have ever seen. The Fab Five change lives so that whoever is nominated gets a fresh, fabulous start. The first two episodes were my favorite, but the goodness keeps coming in subsequent episodes as well. I haven’t made it through the first season yet, but I definitely will!
Jane the Virgin is an Americanized telenovela centered around Jane, who is saving herself for marriage, but gets accidentally artificially inseminated. It’s hilarious, heartwarming, romantic, and relatable. I am currently on season four and the show still delivers delight and surprise. Be warned, though: almost every episode ends on a cliffhanger!

Pray for the Wicked, Panic at the Disco
This album delivers both celebratory and sardonic vibes. On the one hand, the band made it, becoming a success after a lot of hard work and believing in a dream despite the world telling them to quit. On the other hand, you can’t trust anyone and the lifestyle can be full of empty pleasures. The literary and pop culture references are on point, and High Hopes is definitely a song to put on your playlist when you get down about not achieving your goals.

Swimming, Mac Miller
This recent album of the late rapper is a dreamscape of beats and poetry. You’ll want to listen to it while you’re creating artwork, driving, or staring out of a window at the rain. It’s chill, but jamming enough to make it hard to keep from nodding your head. Self Care is a favorite jam of mine. Speaking of Mac Miller, his previous album, The Divine Feminine, is not to be missed. It’s sexy, nasty, romantic, and features guest spots by Kendrick Lamar, Njomza, and CeeLo Green.

While I’ve been consuming all of these things, I have also been working on my coloring book. I have three pages left to illustrate before I send it off to get published. Stay tuned for the release date! :)

This month's recommendations

Hi, all!

This month, I would like to share some of the things that I have been enjoying so that you can check them out and add them to your entertainment repertoire.

1. Megan Kearney's Beauty and the Beast (http://www.batb.thecomicseries.com/)
If you love all things Beauty and the Beast, you will love this webcomic.  It takes all versions of the fairy tale and weaves its own mystery and character into it.  The language of plants and flowers begins each chapter, with Greco-Roman mythology and literature references sprinkled in throughout.  The chemistry between Beauty and Beast is palpable.  

2. R&Bieber playlist on Spotify
If you are a fan of good vocals, great lyrics, and guest spots, you will enjoy this playlist.   A while ago, I saw someone say something on Twitter about Justin Bieber's R&B album Journals being underrated. I finally looked up this playlist and was not disappointed.  With lyrics like "What's a king, babe, without a queen?" and "You don't have to make your mind up now/No rush/No pressure" you will be mid-swoon in no time.  Some of the songs are from earlier in his career and some more recent, but most are great.

3. The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truths Behind Extraordinary Results by Gary Keller with Jay Papasan
This book describes how to develop mastery in whatever field you're in by focusing on ONE Thing first, then allowing the rest of your day to fall into place.  Many of the authors' points are illustrated with bare bones illustrations that hit home.  They recommend planning your breaks first, then the ONE Thing, then the rest of your day.  Taking care of yourself first leads to more productivity.  The main takeaways: One step at a time, build good habits into your lifestyle, and mastery will follow from concentrated effort.  Great for creatives or anyone who wants to be successful in their field.

That's it for today!  As I've been reading and listening to these things, I've also been working on my alphabet coloring book.  I was on the letter N, but skipped ahead to V because I needed to draw some violets while they were in their prime.  Now I am working my way backwards to N before I jump forwards to WXYZ.  I've been thoroughly enjoying illustrating each page, and I can't wait to show you when I'm done.  You can see some of the pages on my Instagram @jenisforlove.  

Tips for Nervous Flyers

Hello, all!  Summer 'tis upon us and with summer comes air travel for many people.  With the people I've talked to on flights, typically everyone is hoping we stay safely in the air.  So, you're not alone if you're a nervous flyer!  It's totally normal to be anxious!  I've only met one or two people in my lifetime who think absolutely nothing about sitting in a chair 37,000 feet above the ground.  I myself stay on high alert the whole time I am in flight, so that I can keep the plane in the air with my thoughts!  On my recent flights this summer, however, I flew armed with a "Relaxation for Panic Attacks when Flying" script from my therapist (http://www.innerhealthstudio.com/panic-attacks-when-flying.html), and it gave me some tools to cope with my anxiety and the confidence to finally say that I might be able to relax more on many flights to come.

Here are 10 tips from the script and from me (towards the end):

1. Focus on relaxing your whole body with focused attention on each part of it, especially the movement of your stomach as you inhale and exhale.

2. Acknowledge all the scary thoughts you have about flying and how they make you feel, then wave them goodbye as you focus on more positive and constructive thoughts.

3.  Repeat to yourself that you are safe and that you are A-OK.  Everything is copacetic.

4. Imagine a happy place down to the very last detail.

5. Imagine yourself arriving at your destination.  How happy, relaxed, and victorious you are: you faced your fears and did the scary thing!

6. Activate the right side of your brain through drawing every detail you see or coloring in a coloring book.

7. Read a book that you've been excited about reading.

8. Talk to your neighbors.

9. Meditate on the wonder that is your hand.  Really think about and appreciate every detail.

10. Listen to music that makes you laugh with happiness, sing along (silently), or dance in your seat.  Here are a few songs on my playlist that invoke positive vibes for me:

As Long As You Love Me--Justin Bieber
If I Ain't Got You--Alicia Keys
Move Along--The All-American Rejects
Rockin' the Suburbs--Ben Folds
Work It Out (Radio Edit)--Beyonce'
Gotta Have You--The Weepies (helps me picture a happy place where I'm lying on my back in a blue boat, humming a tune. :) )

So there you have it, Nervous Flyers!  Take the scary thing by the horns and remember, if you hit rough air or turbulence, know that it is a natural result of flying through the sky!  Everything is okay!


Greetings from Summertime: Road trips and Crystal Bridges

Hallo, friends!  It has been a while and I do apologize for lack of blog updates, but this one will be a twofer: a rocking road trip playlist and a review of the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art Chihuly exhibit.  

This summer I have driven back and forth between Pennsylvania and North Carolina five times, between North Carolina and Arkansas twice, and between Arkansas and Kansas City, MO twice.  So you can imagine all the tunes I have listened to while enjoying all that open road and drive time.  When driving by yourself for several hours at a time, jams are of the utmost importance, in addition to podcasts and audiobooks.  When my mom and I travel together, we listen to the series of books by the veterinarian James Herriot.  He was a vet during the 1930s and beyond in the UK, and his word selection, heart, and humor are a delight to listen to.  If you like animals and laughing out loud, try All Creatures Great and Small, his first book.

As for podcasts, I have enjoyed the interviews of You Made It Weird with Pete Holmes and The Moth's stories, but I have recently discovered My Dad Wrote a Porno.  It is full of funny and explicitly sexy things.  Give it a listen and let me know what you think. :)

And as for rocking out, please enjoy the following:

1. Tom Sawyer-Rush
2. My Sharona-The Knack
3. Shut Up And Dance-Walk the Moon
4. Alright-John Legend
5. Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)-Eurythmics
6. Open Road Song-Eve 6
7. Bitch Better Have My Money-Rihanna
8. Sabotage-Beastie Boys
9. Seven Nation Army-The White Stripes
10. Your Love-The Outfield
11. Take Me Away-FeFe Dobson
12. Breathing-Yellowcard
13. Intergalactic-Beastie Boys
14. Take It Off-The Donnas
15. Heartbreaker-Pat Benatar

Sure, some of it is not technically rock, but rocking is more about attitude than genre. :)

Now on to the Crystal Bridges Chihuly Exhibit: it was awesome!  The variety of forms, the colors, the light, the organization of the show, everything was perfection.  In addition to his glasswork, there were also drawings and paintings essential to Chihuly's process.  There were also three short films on view to help the viewer gain insight into how much he pushes the material to its limits and how collaborative his studio is.  There are also installations outdoors that show how much Chihuly has extended the boundaries of glasswork.  I recommend going around sunset to see the glow of light and color in the glass.  Also, it will be somewhat cooler.  Arkansas is HOT in the summer, so wear something light and breathable.  I wasn't able to see much of the Crystal Bridges permanent collection, but what I did see was varied, contemporary, and important to the history of art.  If you are in the Mid-South or near it, Crystal Bridges is worth a trip for any art lover.  Admission to the main museum is free thanks to WalMart, and the Chihuly exhibit is about $20.

Enjoy the road, the summer, and wherever you may travel!