Things Worth Your Attention, vol. 2

Dear readers, here is a list of things that I have been consuming lately that deserve more attention:

Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis
The 50th Law by Robert Greene and 50 Cent
These books actually have a few things in common. But first, Rachel Hollis is a mother of four, an author, event planner, a lifestyle blogger/influencer, a long distance runner, and a Christian. Robert Greene is the author of The 48 Laws of Power, which chronicles how historical figures used their gifts to rise to power. He also uses historical examples in his book with 50 Cent, who is a hustler cum rapper cum media mogul. I listened to book of these books via Audible and thoroughly enjoyed reading two books while driving. Audible is awesome!
So, what Rachel Hollis and 50 Cent have in common are the abilities to see opportunity in crisis and to imagine in concrete, specific detail big goals broken down into actionable steps.

Body Positive Power: Because Life Is Already Happening and You Don’t Need Flat Abs to Live It by Megan Jayne Crabbe
This is a must-read for anyone who has ever hated their body. Megan Jayne Crabbe exposes the diet and anti-aging industries lies about our bodies and our health. She promotes intuitive eating, Health At Every Size, self-love and kindness. I am currently reading this via my Kindle app on my iPad, so I’m not finished yet, but it has been mind blowing. Everyone deserves love and respect no matter what body they exist in.

Queer Eye on Netflix
Jane the Virgin, also on Netflix
Queer Eye is the most uplifting, positive show I have ever seen. The Fab Five change lives so that whoever is nominated gets a fresh, fabulous start. The first two episodes were my favorite, but the goodness keeps coming in subsequent episodes as well. I haven’t made it through the first season yet, but I definitely will!
Jane the Virgin is an Americanized telenovela centered around Jane, who is saving herself for marriage, but gets accidentally artificially inseminated. It’s hilarious, heartwarming, romantic, and relatable. I am currently on season four and the show still delivers delight and surprise. Be warned, though: almost every episode ends on a cliffhanger!

Pray for the Wicked, Panic at the Disco
This album delivers both celebratory and sardonic vibes. On the one hand, the band made it, becoming a success after a lot of hard work and believing in a dream despite the world telling them to quit. On the other hand, you can’t trust anyone and the lifestyle can be full of empty pleasures. The literary and pop culture references are on point, and High Hopes is definitely a song to put on your playlist when you get down about not achieving your goals.

Swimming, Mac Miller
This recent album of the late rapper is a dreamscape of beats and poetry. You’ll want to listen to it while you’re creating artwork, driving, or staring out of a window at the rain. It’s chill, but jamming enough to make it hard to keep from nodding your head. Self Care is a favorite jam of mine. Speaking of Mac Miller, his previous album, The Divine Feminine, is not to be missed. It’s sexy, nasty, romantic, and features guest spots by Kendrick Lamar, Njomza, and CeeLo Green.

While I’ve been consuming all of these things, I have also been working on my coloring book. I have three pages left to illustrate before I send it off to get published. Stay tuned for the release date! :)

This month's recommendations

Hi, all!

This month, I would like to share some of the things that I have been enjoying so that you can check them out and add them to your entertainment repertoire.

1. Megan Kearney's Beauty and the Beast (
If you love all things Beauty and the Beast, you will love this webcomic.  It takes all versions of the fairy tale and weaves its own mystery and character into it.  The language of plants and flowers begins each chapter, with Greco-Roman mythology and literature references sprinkled in throughout.  The chemistry between Beauty and Beast is palpable.  

2. R&Bieber playlist on Spotify
If you are a fan of good vocals, great lyrics, and guest spots, you will enjoy this playlist.   A while ago, I saw someone say something on Twitter about Justin Bieber's R&B album Journals being underrated. I finally looked up this playlist and was not disappointed.  With lyrics like "What's a king, babe, without a queen?" and "You don't have to make your mind up now/No rush/No pressure" you will be mid-swoon in no time.  Some of the songs are from earlier in his career and some more recent, but most are great.

3. The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truths Behind Extraordinary Results by Gary Keller with Jay Papasan
This book describes how to develop mastery in whatever field you're in by focusing on ONE Thing first, then allowing the rest of your day to fall into place.  Many of the authors' points are illustrated with bare bones illustrations that hit home.  They recommend planning your breaks first, then the ONE Thing, then the rest of your day.  Taking care of yourself first leads to more productivity.  The main takeaways: One step at a time, build good habits into your lifestyle, and mastery will follow from concentrated effort.  Great for creatives or anyone who wants to be successful in their field.

That's it for today!  As I've been reading and listening to these things, I've also been working on my alphabet coloring book.  I was on the letter N, but skipped ahead to V because I needed to draw some violets while they were in their prime.  Now I am working my way backwards to N before I jump forwards to WXYZ.  I've been thoroughly enjoying illustrating each page, and I can't wait to show you when I'm done.  You can see some of the pages on my Instagram @jenisforlove.